How Much Square Footage Do I Need Per Person?
While searching for an apartment, you’ll often see landlords include square footage in the details of their available units. Naturally, this begs the question: how much square footage do I need per person? After all, space is an important factor for many. The truth is, though, square-footage is just one way of thinking about an apartment and whether that apartment is right for you. In comparison to other factors – such as your lifestyle – square-footage, in of itself, is far less important to consider.
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How Much Square Footage Do I Need, Per Person?
When it comes to the amount of square footage that is ideal, everyone’s different. Some people are comfortable in apartments that are only 300 square feet, while there are plenty of people who are uncomfortable in apartments that are less than 800 square feet.
When it comes to the amount of square footage that is ideal, it is dependent on the individual. Studies have, in the past, shown that 100 to 400 square feet of space is ideal for most people – if they’re living alone – but there are plenty of people who would be very uncomfortable in a space of that size.
If you are living with a family, then the question of how much square footage is needed becomes a little more challenging. There are many families who live in small apartments where space is at a premium, and many of these families are happy and feel good about the space that they have. But, along with that, there are many families who live in small apartments that are unhappy and uncomfortable with the fact that they have limited space.
More often then not, the reason for this discomfort has less to do with the amount of space, and far more to do with the way that space is laid out and organized, as well as whether or not that space accommodates your lifestyle.
- Everyone has different needs when it comes to the square footage that is ideal for them in an apartment
- Some people feel very comfortable in small apartments, while others feel trapped in larger apartments
- More often than not, the square-footage matters less than the layout and organization of the apartment, as well as how that apartment is able to accommodate your lifestyle
What Do You Need To Consider, When Thinking About The Size Of An Apartment?
While square-footage, in of itself, is one of the most important traits in an apartment, it’s certainly not the only thing you need to consider. You must also consider the layout of the apartment, the spaces within the apartment, who you’ll be sharing the apartment with, your lifestyle, as well as the lifestyle of those you’ll be living in the apartment with.
When considering the size of an apartment, you must consider how the different rooms and spaces in that apartment are laid out. There are plenty of large apartments that are packed to the brim with tiny and cramped spaces that, as a result, make the entire apartment feel very small. But, there are also plenty of small apartments that make use of large, open spaces, which aids in creating an apartment that feels bigger than it actually is. Ideally, though, you’ll find an apartment that offers its fair share of large and small spaces.
While considering the layout of an apartment, think about your lifestyle and what your lifestyle consists of. If you are someone that enjoys cooking, for example, then a small and cramped kitchen might not be ideal for you. But, if you don’t particularly enjoy cooking, then a small kitchen won’t be much of a problem for you. And the same thing applies to the other rooms and areas because the layout of your apartment should aid in your lifestyle, rather than making that lifestyle more challenging.
Just as you must consider your own lifestyle, you also need to consider the lifestyle of those that you’ll be living with. If you are living with children, then you’ll probably want to make sure that there are open spaces for those kids to play, as well as a personal space for each child, so that they don’t feel trapped.
Those are just a few examples of what you must think about and consider. In the end, when thinking about the amount of square footage that’s necessary, it’s more important to consider the layout of the apartment and how that apartment aids – or harms – your lifestyle, rather than just the exact amount of square feet.
- There are large apartments that feel small, due to their layout, and small apartments that feel very big, due to their layout
- The layout is more important than the number of square-feet an apartment consists of because the layout of an apartment will determine how big it feels and your lifestyle
- When looking at apartments consider your lifestyle, and the lifestyle of those you’ll be living with, to determine how the apartment suits that lifestyle
- Lifestyle is affected by the spaces in the apartment, the size of those spaces, as well as features such as furniture and windows
How Can You Best Optimize The Square Footage In Your New Apartment?
To best optimize the square footage in your new apartment, it’s important to be aware of the possessions that you own, and how you are going to be organizing and storing them. Along with this, it’s important for you to consider what is truly essential for you, and what isn’t so that you are aware of which items you should keep, and which items you should give away. For more tips take a look at our “How to Make Your Apartment Feel Bigger” article.
Apartments have a finite amount of space, and as such, it’s important to optimize that space, so that it serves you and you and your lifestyle. To best optimize the square footage in your apartment, you must be aware of the possessions that you own – things like clothing, books, tools, devices, and furniture – and how those possessions are organized.
Most apartments come with things like closets and wardrobes. Using that storage space is absolutely vital, as it ensures that all of your important items are located in one specific area and that, more importantly, those items aren’t taking up more space than they need. If you take the time to organize your possessions and to use the included storage areas, you’ll have access to a lot more space. Plus, you can also integrate storage areas into the furniture, making things look a little nicer, and feel a little more seamless.
Organization also applies to furniture – beds, couches, chairs, tables – which often takes up a significant amount of room. By simply rearranging certain pieces of furniture – moving a table from one space to another, for example – you’re able to make your apartment feel far more open and walkable then it did before. It’s important to think about each piece of furniture and how it affects the overall layout of the apartment so that you can then figure out the best way to rearrange it.
To aid in organization, it’s also important to consider the possessions that are no longer being used and are, instead, simply taking up space. For example, we may own ten shirts, but only wear four of them. This being the case, it’s important to be aware of those possessions and to give away the possessions that aren’t being used, because that will free up space in your apartment. “How much square footage do I need per person” also depends highly on how you utilize the space.
- To best optimize the square footage in your apartment, it’s important to be aware of the possessions that you own
- Take the time to organize those possessions and to place them in the storage areas that your apartment includes – closets, drawers, wardrobes
- Organizing the furniture allows you to set up the apartment so that there is more space for you to walk around, which makes the apartment feel bigger
- Giving away possessions that are no longer being used allows you to free up a lot of space, and to lessen the number of extraneous possessions that you own